Summary of issues encountered in condor system

Page last edited 4,372 days ago
From Wei-Liang Qian
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Employed features of condor system

  • SRM

The scirpt uses SRM commands to access the storage so that different condor jobs may share the data among them.

  • Dagman

The script uses the Dagman to establish parent-child relationship between collision simulations and post-event data analysis.

Outline of the script

The following is the scheme of the script. JOB events calculates, for example, 5000 instances of events. It is defined as the parent JOB of all other JOBs. In the following example, JOB postevents-histo evaluates average multiplicities and directs the output in the format of histograms.

JOB events gridunesp-condor-events.submit
VARS events Njobs="$itotalevents"
JOB postevents-cftables gridunesp-condor-postevents-cftables.submit
PARENT events CHILD postevents-cftables
JOB postevents-pargen gridunesp-condor-postevents-pargen.submit
PARENT postevents-cftables CHILD postevents-pargen
JOB postevents-histo gridunesp-condor-postevents-histo.submit
PARENT events CHILD postevents-histo
JOB postevents-spectrum gridunesp-condor-postevents-spectrum.submit
PARENT events CHILD postevents-spectrum
JOB postevents-flow gridunesp-condor-postevents-flow.submit
PARENT events CHILD postevents-flow
JOB postevents-gplot gridunesp-condor-postevents-gplot.submit
PARENT events CHILD postevents-gplot

Each instance of JOB events will generate data files, they are transferred to the storage so that JOB postevents-histo may access them at a later time. Among others, I have used the srm command: srm-copy to copy to and from the storage. Comparing to the alternative command srmcp, the former offers recursive feature. I used it in the following way.

srm-copy srm://\?SFN=/store/$USER/$condorlabel/$PARGN/ -td file:///$BASE/ -recursive

Each event evolves to transfer around 200-300M data for a typical central 0-5% collision. One need 5000+ events for the calculation of collective flow and correlation.

The problem

The script works well when one submits 100-200 events. However, when number of events goes up, there is around 2-4% of chance for an event to fail. (This is in fact more than what happens when I run the same code on a normal linux machine.) When this happens, it goes into "H" (held) state and stay there for ever, one can use "condor_release" but this does not solve the problem. So for a total of 5000+ events, 15+ events will fail, when this happens, condor will hold all other events to wait for this event to finish (due to the parent-child relation established by Dagman) which will never happen. It is quite frustrating because the condor system does not inform why it fails, so if it was due to a real programming mistake, the unlucky user has to figure this out by themselves. After debugging the script, I modified the script to skip the those events that has been successfully calculated. If few events fail during the first run, I need only to run the same script again, and in principle the script will only deal with those failed events by checking the existence of certain files on the storage. Since the the SRM command does not have "if -s" feature as in bash, I did the following

#skip events that have already been calculated
  if [[ $chost == "condor" ]] && [[ ! $hydrolabel == "new" ]]; then
    echo "Trying to check the existence of fzo file on the GridUNESP storage..."
    echo "srm-copy srm://\?SFN=/store/$USER/$condorlabel/$SPHFZ/$ -td file:///$working_folder_sphfz/"
    srm-copy srm://\?SFN=/store/$USER/$condorlabel/$SPHFZ/$ -td file:///$working_folder_sphfz/
  if [[ -s $working_folder_sphfz/$ ]]; then
    if [[ ! $hydrolabel == "new" ]]; then
      echo "Output fzo file already exits, skipping the current event -" $ceventname
	  elif [[ $hydrolabel == "new" ]] || [[ $chost == "pbs" ]]; then
	    echo "Removing existing fzo file"
	    rm -rf $working_folder_sphfz/$
  echo "Now we will proceed to do the hydrodynamic evolution..."

Unfortunately, I was only left to find out that condor still has a good chance to fail those events even when the script only does some checks and eventually skips the calculation. I think the problem might be caused by the SRM commands, but I can not prove my guess, neither do I know where to start, since I do not see anything from the log file. As a result, sometimes calculation never moves forward. The current version of script work well if one calculates 100+ events each time, since one can choose to manually download the data file to a local computer for further analysis (at any instance), unfortunately, it is too expensive when one has to calculate flow using 5000+ events for each centrality window.

Please contact me if you need any more detail.